#sorry if i offended anyone
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amistyshadow · 7 months ago
People of Tumblr! (Warning⚠️: this might be rude to ask about but I don’t know social ques)
Way back in middle school I made an oc and over the years I’ve been fleshing her out in my head. (She was inspired by some teachers, and a childhood friend) Her mother is Japanese and her father is American-Korean. I freaking love the traditional clothing of Japan and Korean (seriously every woman I see in it looks like a freaking goddess!) but something about my character; she loves fashion and wants to embrace all of her heritage, the Japanese, the Korean, and the American. So I was wondering if anyone has ever tried combining the traditional clothing of both sides of their heritage. But since I don’t really have anything to embrace, I didn’t know if this would be offensive to people’s culture or if I should just forget it. So sorry if this offends someone. I’m really dumb when it comes to social stuff.
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juliet25blog · 5 months ago
I'm being a pretentious bitch, please someone slap it off me
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thatfantasylovingdork · 2 years ago
I watched a playthrough of Iron Lung and it…was surprisingly boring? Like I somehow expected it to be creepier/have more action than it did? Like all it is is pushing buttons to make coordinates with some weird sounds in the background. I actually almost fell asleep watching it. (Except the jump scare at the end. I read about the game beforehand on TV Tropes but somehow I still didn’t see that one coming.)
I wonder how Markiplier will make it into a movie. I mean the lore is better than the actual game; maybe they can focus on that. Might be one of those rare cases where the adaptation is better than the original. 🤷‍♀️
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26aspen-edits · 1 year ago
Hi can you please stop reposting gifs without credit? If you don't know who the gifs belong to, simply don't post them?!
I apologize, a good chunk of gifs I find are from Pinterest and don't have the original credit attached.
If I offended anyone Im sorry and will try my best to find credit in the future
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calritchie21 · 1 year ago
basically one of the big things is religion👯‍♀️
my family has never been super religious, but my mom (specifically) highly encouraged me to get confirmed.
and at the beginning i was like “sure”
but i already didn’t want to✨
but i of course didn’t say anything. and then it literally got until two weeks before i was set to get confirmed that i decided not to.
which i only decided to not to AFTER i went to this (what they called) a “work day” and basically it’s jsut last minute shit to wrap up your years.
and i had three back to back panic attacks in the restroom
and then went crying to my pastor and we sat in an empty parking lot and came to the conclusion that getting confirmed obviously wouldn’t do shit for me🧍🏼‍♀️
and i jsut stumbled across an old recording of a church service
which i recorded because i used to go back over the recordings to dissect them essentially
and it brought me back to said place because i was just so angry throughout those two years yk?
and i’m over it, but i’m not yk?
because i just feel so bad for a younger me who felt the need to feel like that, and keep everything in.
and i just had a moment of feeling bad for my younger self
but also panicking because i hadn’t given two thoughts to religion since then- because everyone else around me makes me feel pressured in a sense, to figure my shit out
but i’m honestly just floating along. it doesn’t matter to me, and people don’t seem to be that.
like yes, i believe something’s out there, and that’s about fucking it. i don’t go every sunday, i don’t look up a verse everyday, religion is like an afterthought for me and no seems to understand.
and that’s jsut the first thing🤸🏼‍♀️
you shouldn’t be pressured at anything especially for religious, i’ve had the same problem of feeling pressured of being christian to not be and i just ignored everyone and went on your own way
i haven’t been to church in 2 years since i lost my friends and still don’t understand a lot of the concept
but don’t panic at all and just do your own things and beliefs 🤍
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thetisming · 9 months ago
amatonormativity: a romantic partner should be the most important person in EVERYONE'S life
NOT amatonormativity: MY romantic partner is the most important person in MY life, but i understand this is not the same for other people
allosexnormativity: EVERYONE should have sex and sex is something EVERYONE needs/wants/should want
NOT allosexnormativity: I PERSONALLY enjoy sex and love having sex because it makes ME feel good, but other people dont feel the same and that's okay
platonormativity: having friends is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs/has/should have friends
NOT platonormativity: having friends is important to ME and I PERSONALLY love having friends, but there are people who dont and theres nothing wrong with that
faminormativity (is that the word?): family is important for EVERYONE and EVERYONE needs to have their family
NOT faminormativity: family is important to ME and I PERSONALLY need my family with me, but other people dont feel the same and i understand that
lovenormativity (again, not sure if this is a word): EVERYBODY feels love and there's something wrong wiith you if you dont
NOT lovenormativity: I PERSONALLY feel love and love people, but not everyone does and that's completely okay!
NOT amatonormativity: i dont have friends/have any desire to have friends, i am happy with other relationships/no relationships at all
NOT platonormativity: i dont have any desire to be in a romantic relationships, and i am happy with my platonic relationships
NOT allosexnormativity: i like hooking up with people and having one night stands or friends with benefits
NOT faminormativity: i care about my family deeply and am close with family members
NOT lovenormativity: i feel love for people i care about
it's not normative to personally enjoy something, so long as you respect that other people simply arent like you and aren't going to like the same things as you. taking down normativity is a two way street, allos and aspecs need to do it. support your local aros, aces, apls, afams and other aspecs today! remember to challange all normativities, and to not enforce other normativity by saying how bullshit other normativities are!
nothing is universal. romance is not universal. sex is not universal. friendship is not universal. family is not universal. love is not universal. nothing is universal.
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aroaceweirdos101 · 2 years ago
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
I didnt think anyone would use my ask box, especially to ask something like this(not judging).
But to answer(or nonanswer) your question, Anon:
Idk, Im not gay, nor straight, infact Im aroace. I never really cared about what people are attracted to(unless its very problematic).
Its kinda like asking what kind of thing straight men are attracted to in woman that they cant be attracted to in men.
Its just how it is!
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frogayyyy · 11 months ago
today is about celebrating the rebirth of a man who died for us. someone who gave his life for the good of the many.
and that's why today i'm watching the star trek ii-iv trilogy 🙏
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televisionlassie · 5 months ago
We actually need to discuss the names of the speedsters. Like there’s not just one Bartholomew Allen but TWO! And 2x Wallace Wests? What is up with these parents. Then the villains, yeah I would be evil too if my name was EOBARD THAWNE! Thaddeus Thawne? awful I’m sorry
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astral-herald · 3 months ago
arcane's depiction vs. endorsement and why it flopped
~ i think i'm finally ready to complain ~
My general opinion of season 2 is potential squandered. My recent post about Viktor's storyline as an intentional tragedy lets ya'll know that I did, for the most part, enjoy his arc (hot take, I know, and I know lots of people disagree with me, and I fully understand). If he'd gotten the screen time necessary to pull it off, it would have been legendary in my book. But the lack of screen time, even in the case of the season's eventual BBEG, speaks to my greatest issue with Arcane: no commitment.
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(Critical) Discussion of Jinx, Ekko, Sevika, Vi, and Viktor below!
Arcane, as a tragedy (I've said this word too many times to count smh), asks the plot, "what is the worst thing that could possibly happen to this character?" and answers in kind. This is why we get Viktor's lost agency until the very end (and like I've said in the past, I completely understand and hold space for those who dislike this route).
If we ask this same question of the following characters, the scope of loss and despair innate to Arcane's final narrative is made very clear:
Sevika: a revolutionary forever devoted to the cause, not the individual, is nominated as an individual to represent the masses in a governmental body that has no interest in her class-conscious ideal.
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Ekko: the people's hero in every sense of the word who never sees the fruits of his labor/sacrifice and who goes without the acknowledgement he deserves (more than any other Arcane character).
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Vi: the ultimate victim of Piltover police brutality coerced, through grief, trauma, and loss, into working for the system that oppressed her. Even Caitlyn, for all her good intentions, seems incapable of ever understanding this.
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Viktor: a genius hellbent on ending the same suffering he endured at the hands of Piltover's oppression has his agency revoked, driving him to inflict the same choicelessness he endured on Zaunite innocents.
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On paper, these arcs are devastatingly sensical. And we don't always need happy endings in our stories (I'd sure like them, more often than not, of course). We can and should witness the harsh realities of class oppression if we don't experience them ourselves. The writing team painstakingly crafted and foreshadowed these worst-case scenarios throughout season 1. For example, in 1x07, Ekko being immediately shot at by Marcus at the bridge confirms our suspicions that Piltover Enforcers are a lost cause, not just full of bad apples but internally broken beyond repair. It felt that, despite all the hope, this struggle was doomed, and we were careening toward something dark - "In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good."
Had these arcs been successful, audiences would be confronted with the systemic issues we see today that implicate the physical and mental health of downtrodden individuals on account of lazy, prejudiced leadership. This actively happens. It is actively happening, sans the fantasy of it all. This is where Arcane should have shined: they depict the tragedy of these characters, but DO NOT endorse it.
But Arcane chickens out and the entire thing fails. Here are the Flop Era Spark Notes:
Maddie is the egregious bad apple stereotype that absolves all other agents of the regime. She clearly is not a stand-in for Enforcers at large because, all of a sudden, they're capable of coordinated artillery strikes that are necessary to the defense of Piltover, which the viewer must suddenly and abundantly care about. So glad she died. Also, Arcane, you cannot introduce abject warfare in the last 30 minutes of your show successfully.
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Jinx's "revolutionary" plot was a red herring, and Sevika humbly vying for the spot was never delivered upon. They pay lip service to the Undercity organizing, but the scene is interrupted for larger (messier) plot concerns almost immediately. No commitment. No depiction to even refrain from endorsing.
Ekko and the Firelight Tree. Clearly this was set up as a means of showing how Piltover's mistakes were physically seeping into the only sanctuary left in Zaun. Yet this is just...never resolved? If someone has some insights into this, please let me know. No depiction. No discussion about endorsement.
What could Vi specifically gain by aligning with the Enforcers/Piltover? Human connection with Cait, sure, but why return to them in 2x06? Vi's character begged all season for development, but she kept returning to her nonsensical error of her ways (looking backwards) until the very end, and this is basically what "kills" Jinx. This is a nod to her lonesomeness post 1x03, sure, but to what end? Again, why the Enforcers?!? Oh, because now that Cait has been redeemed and Sevika is in Piltover to save the day, there are no systemic issues left to fix? Sure, Riot.
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I begged and pleaded for months for BBEG Viktor (I'm really proud of my predictions from October), but by introducing a villain/conflict beyond the Piltover/Zaun dichotomy, Riot severed all threads of class conflict that were so rife and exciting in season 1. The proletariat and the bourgeoise will never coalesce like they did by the end of 2x09 without systemic revolution. Sevika is just one individual. Ekko's people need him. Jinx and Viktor are gone. Vi is downtrodden, and we have SO LITTLE to show for it.
In summary, we just didn't get enough explicit explanation of any character development to make Arcane-As-Tragedy successful. They did not stick the landing. The finale leaves us all with various bad tastes in our mouth. Instead of lamenting the harsh reality of oppression, I'm confused about what Riot prioritizes and agrees with, what they aim to criticize, and what they condemn.
I'll die on the hill that revoking Viktor's agency has the potential to be one of the greatest tragic hero storylines I've ever seen, but it's a lonely hill because I'm fighting against the writing team's consistent flops. At least Balayage Viktor was so gorgeous.
shameless self plug for my earlier discussion about the innate political clashes in season 1 that were abandoned for flashy fantasy fights in season 2:
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the-moon-says-hi · 1 month ago
one thing i genuinely don’t understand is like
okay there are marauders fans and pro-snape (anti-marauders?) fans, and like, nice, people have different views and this are literally characters (most of whom barely even appear) in fiction but like why do they not only hate but seem to sometimes actively try to go against each other like can’t they coexist and just not interact and leave each one be?
because i understand that from an entirely canonical perspective, the marauders (especially james and sirius) were FAR from saints, but i also understand that pretty much the entirety of the marauders fandom stems from entirely fictional ideas from these fictional characters, like the marauders & co. are pretty much OCs at this point (within the marauders fandom) and i think that comparing them to canon is just kind of unfair? like they are literally different characters at this point, only with the same name
i see why snape fans would hate the canonical marauders, but i don’t see why they seem to hate the fan-made marauders, or the people who enjoy said fan-made marauders
i just really don’t understand the overall hate sorry please don’t come for me
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paxcallow · 26 days ago
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tinkerbellaglowstone · 3 months ago
I am so SICK of people mischaracterizing Ted
I always see people defend Ellen or Gorrister or really any of them. (Please understand I, myself, also constantly defend Ellen) but never do I see Ted. I even see some people comparing him to Jimmy? That’s way too far. It’s always people bashing and writing him off as some asshole who didn’t gaf about anyone
That’s so so wrong.
Ted is literally driven to insanity. Can you imagine constantly being on edge? In a state of panic? Convinced the only people around you are out to get you? It’s gotta be exhausting. 109 years of physical and mental torture. He’s a paranoid and a schizophrenic. He talks about angels singing ‘Go Down Moses’ and bringing Ellen and I think Nimdok back. That did not happen. AM is filling his head with religious imagery to make Ted to see him as some all divine, all powerful God like being. And he is. And it works. Ted sees AM as a masculine deity. I’ve noticed in the book he says Gorrister hits Ellen while only she cries for Benny. While in the radio drama, they are all worried over Benny and Ted actually freaks out and tells them to get back, that it was too late. It’s like he believes they have no control whatsoever. ‘whatever AM gives we just have to take it’ or around the lines of that. 
He’s mental. He cannot help that. So of course you’re a jerk to everyone. I’m sure AM also fills his head with lies about the others as well. I mean why wouldn’t he? He doesn’t want them to work together and thrive, he wants them to break each other and suffer. 
In the radio drama as well, Ted and Ellen have a one on one. After a freak out from seeing whatever he thought he saw and running away for god knows how long (notice how he can’t keep time. I’m sure the others can’t as well but often he says maybe days, months, years) he’s scared and upset. Maybe they were just laughing out of confusion or fear or because it wasn’t them in his shoes but to him that is laughter enjoying his pain, the same way AM later laughs after stabbing him and expressing his hatred. He insults them all but I mean listen to what he says. Benny has been extremely altered. Gorrister has been stripped of personality, Nimdok is a mystery case of disappearances and Ellen sleeps with the others (which personally, and this is my belief, I think she only ever sleeps with Ted to keep his peace of mind. Plus we only hear this from Ted himself, and he’s already insecure saying Benny isn’t gay anymore and he’s got a huge wiener which is also false. I’ve seen some fan theories about this and I actually like them. And also Benny can’t consent to any of that and I’m sure Gorrister misses his wife, I’ve never played the video game sorry if I’m mistaken I just know Gorrister had a wife, But that’s just my interpretation) and overall Ted just seems like a huge dick. No wonder after all his paranoia would he think he’s got the good end of the deal. When in reality, he really really doesn’t. At least everyone understands their situation to an extant, minus Benny, Ted doesn’t. Ted is constantly walking on eggshells. Or he thinks he is. Then after it clicks and he breaks down. And again in the radio drama, in the rat (or was it bat) cave, he tells Benny ‘we don’t do that, we’re not animals, we’re human beings!’ He is desperately trying to hold onto his humanity (which, doesn’t work out clearly as he’s a slug) and somewhat a grip on reality. That he is still human even if this isn’t humane. He’s desperate. He’s alone even when surrounded by people. He’s constantly filled with thoughts and honestly I’d call it grooming (grooming: the practice of preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity.) from AM. In the video game AM tells Ted he’s his favorite. At the end of the day hes scared like all of them are. And he can’t keep himself together. He has lost himself completely. Broken down and reshaped. He mentions how AM has made his mind a chalkboard or something like that. He also suffers physically too. In the game, when he stands in his cage with the lazors CLEARLY only aiming for his eyes. He can’t even see that. He still stands there in agony when all he needs to do is duck down. He misses the bigger picture. Ted is so lost, so paranoid so delusional and mental he can barely see it himself. Is he a good guy? No. Is he a bad guy of the story? Absolutely not.
ALSOOO Jimmy killed everyone out of selfishness (yes every single death and event is all his fault I hate him I’m so glad he killed himself). Ted, who was finally given a clear head for once, saved them. It was him or Ellen and he chose to get her out of that hell scape. (Which I like to point how how he said he tried/wanted to bury them, meaning he had at least a small amount of time to kill himself. Which he couldn’t, also a fan theory I’ve seen.) Ted sacrificed himself to help everyone. The complete opposite of what Jimmy did. He is HAPPY he pissed AM off by killing them. Even if AM has won he still knows he has the upper hand. How in the hell in his situation can you think YOU have the advantage? In the radio drama as well, the way he says ‘He altered me’ (or along the lines) I saw a comment saying he sounds violated. Which he has been. I love Ted, I really do. I appreciate his character so much because he’s often so overlooked and just known as the unreliable narrator. He’s unreliable for a reason, not because he’s selfish and wants the story his way, but because that’s how he sees things. (also idk if it’s true it’s this pdf file I found talking about all of them and it talks abt Ted at 19 and like older women. I can’t remember what it says but like, 19? 19 is young, still a boy.)
Yes, I do acknowledge he is a huge dick to everyone. But he’s also in a bad terrible situation. And even if you hate him, I think he definitely makes up for it all at the very end. 
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mandoriana · 26 days ago
Arthur and the knights in the bar drinking and eating pork.
Merlin: So, are you gay or not?
Percival: I am Bisexual, but I am a virgin with women.
Arthur: Huh? No, wait, hold on.
Knights: 👀?
Arthur: What is Bisexual?
Merlin: Seriously? That's your question? 😅
Arthur: Sure, I've been a virgin with women too, I haven't seen a problem with that, but I don't know what bisexual is.
Merlin: Well, sire, Bisexual is a person who is attracted to both men and women.
Arthur: WHAT!? Wait...sodomy?! *thinking* Didn't Gaius say that it wasn't allowed? That it caused the flu or something like that?
Gwaine *shrugs*: Gaius said we couldn't eat pork either, and look at us here.
Arthur: hmm...🤔... so wait, Percival is a Bi...
Gwaine *continues*: ...virgin with women.
Arthur: ... that means he’s never slept with a woman, right?
Elyan *laughing*: Virgin means that, so yes, sire.
Arthur: .... But if he’s a virgin with women then Percival is gay!
Merlin and Gwaine *dying*: 🤣🤣
Percival: No, sire, I’m not gay, I’m Bisexual. 😂
Lancelot: He’s like Gwen, sire, you see, he likes both women and men. *explains as if talking to a child*
Arthur *confused*: But he’s a virgin with women, Gwen isn’t a virgin with women or men... so he is gay...
Leon: But he still likes women, sire.
Arthur: ...
Knights and Merlin: ...
Arthur: hmm...
Knights and Merlin: "Hmmm"?
Arthur: I think I’m a Bisexual virgin with men.
Gwaine and Percival *dying*: 🤣
Merlin and Lancelot: 😏
Leon and Elyan: *Give up*
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 8 months ago
Okay so we all know those cishet people who are homophobic and obsess over LGBTQIA+…
I just realised that they are actually queer. Every single one of them. No matter if they like it or not.
BECAUSE we all know that it is possible to be asexual, aromantic or aroace towards only one gender, right? (If you didn’t, at least you know it now!)
Completely straight people are literally aroace towards people of the same gender HA
Edit: y’all please don’t listen to this damn post
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fluffshiicloud · 1 month ago
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maybe this is just a me thing, but feel free to tell me if you think the same way
in terms of romantic relationships, i really hate short-term stuff. because.. if i chose to date someone, i'm most definitely thinking about the future and marriage and being together so long our souls are intertwined with one another
that's why i feel like some people on yanblr tend to be a bit... forward? from what i've seen at least. i mean, no offense i suppose. but personally, i don't really see this space as a dating scene. i see it more like a community. a way to find like-minded people and friends
and ofc there is internet safety to consider and since this is a community, there's both adults and minors in this space
besides, don't people want something real? something long-term? someone that'll be with you to your grave and beyond?
there is love at first sight, sure. but this is the internet! isn't it normal to talk to someone and get to know them? and if a relationship eventually blossoms out of that, then that's wonderful!
i don't think people should throw themselves at others and expect something fulfilling out of it. to fill some temporary void inside. consider the other person's feelings and their boundaries!
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